We constantly strive to provide patients with the best possible care and service, however, there may be times when you feel that this has not been done and we know that sometimes things can go wrong. When this happens, we believe that is it often most effective to sort problems out quickly and informally. In this event please contact: Mr Spencer Casey, Business and Strategic Manager or Mrs Kim Prowse, Surgical Manager via:
- Telephone: 01872 392087
- Email: enquiries@www.cornwallmedicalgroup.com
- Post: Management Team, Probus Surgical Centre, Tregony Road, Probus, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 4JZ.
Should you wish to speak to a Surgeon or Nurse this could also be arranged. Alternatively, if you need impartial help or advice in resolving a problem the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA) can help you.
The CMG Complaints Procedure is a more formal way of resolving a concern. We want to assure people that they can make a complaint without fear of their care being affected. We believe it is important to understand why things go wrong so that we can prevent such things happening again.
Please let us know promptly if you have a complaint, it is important such matters are dealt with swiftly. In accordance with the complaints procedure there are time limits; normally twelve months after the event you are complaining about (or became aware of the matter for complaint). However, there are exceptions to this and we will always try to help as much as we can.
If you are making a complaint on behalf of another person, we may need to ask that person’s consent before investigating the complaint.
A member of the management team will discuss with you how you would like your complaint resolved and how long this might take. The person who investigates your complaint may need to talk to other staff and look at your medical records. They will be careful to ensure that any information about you is kept confidential. Your complaint will not be recorded in your medical notes.
We will acknowledge your complaint and how we have agreed to resolve it within 3 working days. We will keep you informed of progress; letting you know of any delays in resolving your complaint. We will usually advise you of the outcome by letter, however we are also happy to meet with you. We will let you know the outcome of the investigation and of action taken as a result.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of how we have handled your complaint, we would prefer you to tell us. This means that we can discuss if there are any other ways of locally resolving your concerns.
If you remain dissatisfied with our response or the action we take, you have the right to approach one of the industry regulatory bodies listed below:
Useful Contacts
Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA)
1st Floor, 17 Dean Street, Liskeard, PL14 4AB
Tel: 0300 343 5713
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
Tel: 0300 616161