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Abdominal Wall Hernia Repairs

A hernia occurs when a part of the body (typically fat or bowel in the case of abdominal hernias) protrudes through the wall of the muscle or tissue that it sits behind. It usually presents with a lump which tends to disappear on lying down.

Common abdominal hernias include:

  • Groin hernias: Inguinal hernias (more common in men than women) are caused when part of the intestine or fatty tissue protrudes into the groin at the top of the thigh. Femoral hernias are more common in older women and present with a lump in the groin area.
  • Peri-Umbilical/Epigastric hernias: more common in men, the hernia is caused by a weakness in the muscle wall of the abdomen around the belly button or just above it.
  • Spigelian hernia: this is less common and usually presents with a reducible lump on either side of the abdominal wall.

Most hernias are caused by weakened muscles or tissue. Strain from repeated physical exertion, being overweight, pregnancy, repeated coughing or weakness caused by age can also lead to a hernia.

Hernias may cause discomfort when coughing, standing for long periods, or carrying out some vigorous activity. In most cases, there is a visual swelling or bulge, with increased pain at the site.

The only cure for a hernia is an operation to repair the muscle wall. The hernia itself is not dangerous, but the discomfort will continue and may worsen if not seen to.

If left untreated, the hernia may become strangulated, or the bowel may become damaged requiring emergency surgery. It is advisable to seek advice for a suspected hernia.

Surgical Solutions at Probus Surgical Centre

Here at Probus Surgical Centre, we use the open mesh repair technique for our hernia surgery, which is performed under local anaesthetic*.

The patient remains awake throughout the procedure, and there are no risks associated with general anaesthesia.

During the procedure, a mesh is placed at the site of the weakened tissue or muscle to strengthen it.

If you’ve been diagnosed with, or think you might have a hernia, you can book a consultation with one of our expert hernia surgeons to see if you are suitable for surgery.

*PLEASE NOTE: General anaesthetic and Laparoscopic surgery are also options for hernia repair, but these are not available at Probus Surgical Centre.


Mr Arumugam

Mr Gopalswamy

"I would like to thank you and your team and to say how impressed I was with the way you prepared and carried out the hernia procedure explaining everything all the time. Also, two follow up phone calls and your letter which really put my mind at rest. Something I have not experienced before."

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